I have really been struggling the past week with the fact that it doesn’t look like Miriam will be here in October. From the moment we saw her and found out her birthday was Oct. 24th, my heart’s desire has been to have her in our family by her birthday. My mind and heart have been in turmoil over this. Honestly, I started scheming all the ways that I could manipulate the system and get to Miriam in my timeframe. It seems that my prayers are going unanswered. The disappointment I feel is overwhelming.
Yesterday in my quiet, pondering, resting with Jesus time, I was praying about this and here is the “conversation” we had:
I asked: Why do I feel the need to manipulate people and the situation so that I will be there on her birthday?
I heard: Do you not think I can accomplish this?
I responded: No, I know You can do this. You are the God of the impossible-a miracle working, mountain moving God. I know that about You. Nothing is outside of Your control.
I heard: Well…
I answered: I just think you won’t do it...that You don't care.
Ugh! Did I really say that? Do I really think that? Am I doubting the goodness, mercy, unfailing love, and kindness of God? These are the things that I sing about, say to others, and cling to, and yet here I am doubting. Just like Eve when she questioned the goodness of God and His care and protection of her. Just like Sarah when she doubted the love and care of God in carrying out the timing of His promise.
Let me remember what I know to be true! You, O Lord, are good! Your plans for me are good! You are working out a good future for Miriam and our family! You love and care for us with an unfailing and everlasting love. Forgive me, Father, for doubting who You are…for questioning Your character. Forgive me for allowing fear, worry, and circumstances to become larger than Your faithfulness, love, and mercy. You are good and Your love endures forever. I still want/desire/long to welcome Miriam into our family on/before her birthday. You, O Lord, are capable of doing that. But now, instead of manipulating, worrying, obsessing about this date, I am going to trust in Your character-Your unfailing love-Your goodness-Your never ending mercy-Your grace which is sufficient for me. If You choose to place Miriam in our family in October, I will declare Your power among the peoples. If You choose a different timeline, I will trust that it is for our good and for Your glory. I continue to pray, give You the desires of my heart, and do all the tasks that are required of me, BUT I will not manipulate, fret, or doubt You Lord.
You are:
The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin. Exodus34:6-7
You are working for our good and Your glory:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
You are planning a good future for Miriam:
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.