Thursday, October 18, 2012

Prophetic Word

Today I went to pick up my basket of fruits and veggies from the co-op I belong to.  The kindergarten aged daughter was waiting for me in the garage to help me with my pick-up.  I got my basket and explained to her that I was not going to leave a check because the next time I would be gone to pick up Miriam from Africa.  She nodded her head and then said to me, " I have to tell you something about adoption."  I wanted to hear her words of wisdom because she has experienced adoption in her family.  "What would you like to tell me?", I asked.  "Adoption is hard. You will probably cry."  I think I just had a 5 year old speak a prophetic word over me.  The kleenex are definitely getting packed in the carry-on.


  1. Out of the mouth of babes... Love that sweet wisdom! You have the ultimate Comforter on your side!

  2. She is very direct, but sometimes it is just what you need to hear. We are so excited for you guys! I love the pictures! You are in our thoughts and prayers! Adoption is hard, but I know our Father in Heaven will remind you daily (or at least every other day) what a special blessing it is.
