Over the past few weeks, Kerry and I have been learning about pioneer missionaries in our Perspectives class. One of these pioneers is William Carey, missionary to India and considered the father of modern missions. When Carey was preaching a sermon about missions based on Isaiah 54:2-3, he repeatedly used the phrase which has become his most famous quotation: “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” This sermon is considered the foundation of Baptist Mission, but is something even us Methodists can stand firm on.
As we completed our second big home study meeting this week, I have been reflecting on this Carey quote for our adoption story and that what God will do is always more than what He has given us to do. Kerry and I have been staying up late completing our parenting and trans-racial adoption questionnaires. I have been staying up even later working on the coin collection that we plan to use to finance the adoption (story for another blog post). All of these are good things that, from a practical level, are working to bring Peanut closer to being home with us. However, God is the doing the great things of softening and transforming our hearts to His will. He is doing the hard work of making straight the pathway between American bureaucracy and African logistics. We are to move forward, not out of a spirit of fear, but boldly and with love (2 Tim 1:7) because God can be counted on to do great things.
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