Saturday, March 24, 2012

One little piece of paper

Today I am frustrated.  Before we can schedule our third home study meeting, all of our paperwork has to be turned in.  There are three things that we are working on, but it is the simplest one that is the hold-up.  Out of the vast amount of paperwork, inspections, questions to be answered, fingerprints and background checks, it comes down to a doctor's office and their bureacracy.  Joey, Caleb, and I had to have a physical and undergo a variety of blood tests, but Helen just needed her doctor to sign a simple form that said she was healthy.  Apparently, it is not so simple.  And so, we continue this ongoing process and make an appointment for Helen to have yet another physical.  The fact that it took them two weeks to tell us this makes me want to scream, so it is a good thing that Joey was dealing with them and not me.

What is my take away from this experience? 
1. I am asking God to keep my eyes open to His kingdom purposes and those things that are important to others.  When I get busy with my tasks and to do lists, may God give me a holy halt when those things rub up against things that are important to Him and to other people. 
2. In all things and at all times, trust in the Lord.  When I am frustrated, I continue to hope and trust in God knowing that He continues to work despite how I see our circumstances.
BUT I trust in you, O Lord;
I say, "You are my God."
My times are in your hands...   Psalm 31:14-15a

So, we are persevering and pushing forward trusting that God is using all of this to prepare us for Peanut.

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