Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oh My Goodness

Today was a good day.  After a discussion with Miriam, we did venture another trip to the orphanage today for Miriam to play and say goodbye to her friends.  This trip went much better than the return visit last week.   Miriam made a bead necklace for one of her friends and just played with the other kids with no tears this time.  We were able to hold some of the babies (it is hard to come back with just one) and we were able to help serve and clean up after lunch.

Kerry says that Miriam is teaching me more Lingala than I am teaching her English.  Miriam is quite the teacher (and student) and is very emphatic when she says something in Lingala she thinks I should understand.  She repeats many of the words in English while we read books together.  Tonight, she cracked us up with her first unplanned English phrase.   We must say, “Oh my goodness” a lot because tonight while Kerry and I were talking, she kept saying “Oh my goodness Mama” and “Oh my goodness Papa”.  Kerry took a really cute video of this, but after 90 minutes of trying to upload it to the blog (the video is only 30 seconds long) we had to give up.

We found out today that we should receive Miriam’s exit letter tomorrow.  This is the last document needed to bring her home.  Keep praying that all goes as planned.


  1. Oh my goodness, how sweet is this! Praying that the exit letter comes through tomorrow. Blessings to Kerry and Joey from Mom & Dad.

  2. While I was reading this I realized Simon and Garfunkle are singing Homeward Bound on the radio...hope you are homeward bound soon!
