Sunday, November 25, 2012

Photos of the Crazy Girl!

I (Helen) am doing a post for Mom while she is taking care of my sassy, crazy cute sister! While Miriam might smile perfectly and look super photogenic in her pictures on facebook and the blog, she has a wild side too! She has some pretty funny facial expressions, and we have captured some of them! Here are my top 7 crazy photos of Miriam-the wild child:


  1. LOVE! I know you guys are having so much fun loving on her! Thanks for sharing Helen. I love any update I can get! Been thinking about you guys all week!

  2. Hello Funny Girls! You really captured Miriam having fun being silly. You are a fabulous big sister Helen. Your photos made us smile. Koko Mewasi Honey & Koko Mebali Grand Doug

  3. I love a girl with a little sass!!! Knew she'd fit right into your fun, silly family. :) Looks like you are having lots of fun, big sis!
